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My Story


Have you ever felt completely hopeless and just didn't know what to do? I know I have......


I'm Linda Easto, I am the mother of a son who has been addicted to alcohol and drugs for all of his adult life.


I have over 20 years’ experience dealing with the behaviours and traits of an addict. It took me 15 years to find the right support for myself, where I learned all about self-care and how important it is to look after myself in order to be able to support the addict in the right way.


There were many times I just wanted to walk away, but I didn't, I couldn't. And every day my son woke up I had hope that he would find the strength to get into recovery.


We were both incredibly lucky to eventually find the help we both needed. My son has been through rehab for third time whilst being in the COVID 19 pandemic/lockdown. He wouldn't have survived in lockdown. He was so ill with his mental health, Borderline Personality Disorder, and physically with his Alcoholism and Pancreatitis.


I am both thankful and grateful every day that he finally wanted to get well and into recovery and for the rehab unit that took him. He has been in recovery for 12 months now and is a totally different person. Finally, he is living his life and I am starting to rebuild and live mine.


Helping Families and Friends of addicts is my passion and is an extension of the Health Coaching qualification I completed in 2018.



"You didn't cause it.

You can't control it.

You can't cure it.

So what can you do?"

My Mission

Hopeless to Happy Coaching is committed to providing help and support to families and friends who have a loved one with addictive tendencies in their lives.  Creating a journey of rediscovery that is explored in a nurturing and therapeutic way, coaching on how to live a guilt-free, healthy, happy life and how to support the addict in the right way. 

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